
Out of Office

When we’re not working on stuff for clients, we like to make the odd thing for agencies and ourselves.

Some agencies make Christmas cards. Creature made Halloween ones.
And because Creature were the ‘agency with bees on the roof’, we weaponised honey dippers, put insects into honey, and wrote a Zombee survival guide.

Dragged from the depths of hell with the help of Creature London.
Illustrated under duress by Harrison Edwards.

Inspired by the time Josh's Dad took him up a French mountain in flip-flops (aged nine), we created something to put the minds of new parents at VCCP at ease. And so, 17 stories of traumatic - but totally non-fatal - events later, Kids Bounce was born.

When I was really little I used to stop eating when I had a loose tooth because I didn’t want it to fall out. It became such an issue my mum tried to invent ways to get the tooth out. One of these involved waiting until I was asleep, creeping up to the side of the bed and trying to punch it out of my mouth!

My dad is a massive motorsports fan. As a child I remember every Sunday afternoon would see him sat in front of the telly, with only Murray Walker’s dulcet tones heard over the constant drone of  engines. On one of those afternoons I walked into the lounge to find him stood up, peeing into a nearby pot plant, eyes still glued to the telly. By way of an explanation, I was told the race was REALLY exciting. I was also told not to tell Mum. In his defence, I should just say that this was during the genuinely exhilarating Mansell/Prost/Senna era of Formula One. And he was sober.